How do premium private universities achieve near complete placements?

, Edu-Hour


Some of the top universities such as Manipal University, SRM Chennai, Galgotias University Noida, Symbiosis University have high level of industry integration and standard quality education practices in India.

Make In India is the new mantra in industry and educators across the country are finally working on making the education experience more productive in terms of graduating students who hit the ground contributing to society. It is only natural that those universities and institutions who had made employability the cornerstone of their existence from the beginning, have the upper hand. Centres of learning with long legacies of dispensing syllai in age-old ways have long found themselves losing out in the placements and academic recognition races to cutting-edge new universities that have entered the sector with a more advanced global education vision. What is it that premium private universities are doing that is so right?

We have already seen India’s embarrassing show in 2009 at Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) where we ranked second last among the 73 countries. PISA is a global evaluation process by the (OECD) secretariat that gauges where schoolchildren stand alongside their peers from other countries. This academic Olympics measures the performance of 15 year olds in reading, math and science.


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