Registration window for All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination (AIPGMEE) 2016 is about to close. The registrations for this exam had commenced from September 16th and would end on Oct 22, 2015. All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination will allow students to secure admission in 50% MD/MS/PG DIPLOMA Medical Seats. AIPGEE is a computer based test and would be delivered by online partner Prometric. The exam for AIPGMEE, 2016, will be conducted across 33 cities in India starting from 2nd Dec-8th Dec, 2016

Powered by Prometric, registrations to end for AIPGMEE on Oct 22nd
Those candidates who have MBBS degree/ Provisional Pass Certificate recognized as per the provision of Indian Medical Council Act 1956 and have permanent. Provisional registration certificate of MBBS qualification issued by the Medical Council of India along with one year of internship completed before 31st January 2016 are eligible to apply for AIPGMEE January 16 session.
Official spokesperson for Prometric said, “AIPGMEE is a very important exam for medical students. They must not miss out on the dates. The registrations are about to end. The candidates must rush in order to schedule the exam as per their preference. The registration process is extremely easy and convenient. Everything is through the website”
Candidates can register and schedule their exam online at the website The registration charges for candidates belonging to General/OBC category are Rs 3750 and Rs 2750 for SC/STPWD candidates. Seats will be available on the first come first serve basis. Once registered, a candidate cannot reschedule the exam in any case.
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