After reading about the fantastic performance of Indian universities in global rankings, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and four IIT — Mumbai, Delhi, Madras and Kanpur — figure in the list of Asia’s top 50 universities, as per the QS University Rankings for 2016. All I can say is that I am very proud of my country and the efforts it is doing when it comes to education institutes to soar higher and be the best. Globally, Asians, especially Indians are known to do well in many foreign countries because of their extensive knowledge, brilliant study habits and enormous grasp of science. Pune, specifically, also known as the Oxford of the East has seen thousands of college students get into niche colleges for higher education and come out with flying colours. Obviously, it has been achieved with the help of a creative academy.



IIT- Madras
Considering this phenomenal rise and the incredible popularity of Indian students of IIT in first world countries, I think that if a college student is interested in pursuing a complex degree from a good college, a creative academy Pune should be looked at. A college education is obviously at par in Pune, but when it comes to an academy, they are aware and up skilled on all latest trends and tricks in clearing exams of all sort, hence helping the student to excel in life, boosting his confidence.
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