Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s longest cable-stayed bridge on the Arabian Sea, connecting Beyt Dwarka island to mainland Okha in the Devbhoomi Dwarka District of Gujarat. Modi started the event by diving deep into the ocean and praying at the submerged ancient city of Dwarka. He visited the Dwarkadhish temple and offered prayers before inaugurating the bridge. This connectivity project will allow round-the-clock access to the Dwarkashish temple for the devotees who had only one option: using boats and ferries to reach the temple situated on the island.
The bridge is 2.32 kilometres long with 900 meters of central double-span cable-stayed portion and a 2.45 km long approach road. The total length of the bridge is said to be 4772 meters, which includes the approach road and the actual bridge portion. The four lanes 27.20 meters wide bridge has 2.50 meters footpaths on both sides, which have been adorned with verses from Srimad Bhawad Gita and images of Lord Krishna on both sides. The piers have also been beautified with peacock feather paintings.
Earlier called “Signature Bridge”, it has been renamed Sudarshan Setu or Sudarshan Bridge. It has been constructed at a cost of over 980 crores. PM Modi laid the foundation stone of the 2.3 km-long bridge in October 2017, saying that it would serve as a link between the old and new Dwarka.
The footpaths on each side have solar panels atop the shade, which can generate 1 Megawatt of electricity.
Supported by 32 piers, the bridge features seven central double-span cable-stayed sections that will allow the movement of fishing vessels and boats to and from Dalda Bandar harbour.
Sudarshan Bridge will provide all-weather, round-the-clock connectivity to devotees visiting Dwarkashish temple and connect the island with the mainland, which was earlier accessible only by ferries.
Bandra-Worli Sea Link is an eight-lane cable-stayed freeway across the open sea connecting Mumbai with Navi Mumbai and reducing travel time from 60-90 minutes to just 10 minutes. The bridge is 5.6 kilometers long and is also known as Mumbai Trans Harbour Sea Link and Atal Setu.
Kota-Chambal Hanging Bridge is a six-lane cable-stayed bridge across the Chambal River in the Kota district of Rajasthan. The bridge is 30 meters wide and has a length of 1.4 kilometres. It is equipped with a seismic notification that is delivered to the bridge’s control room. A noise barrier has also been set up on a 700-meter span to reduce disturbance to the wildlife in the area.
Manohar Setu in Goa is built across the Zuari River and has a length of 640 meters. The bridge has eight lanes connecting north Goa to South Goa and runs parallel to the old bridge.
3rd Narmada Bridge is situated in Bharuch, Gujarat and has a 17.4 meters wide 4-lane road with a total length of 1.3 kilometres. The bridge runs over the Narmada River and is India’s largest “Extra-dosed” bridge in India.
India is witnessing rapid infrastructure development, which is good news for the economy as more construction means a boosted domestic demand, better connectivity, and ease of access to previously difficult-to-reach locations.
Additionally, we are developing and mastering the technical skills required to carry out ambitious projects and engineering marvels, projecting India’s strong image worldwide.
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