Trina Solar’s Corporate Social Responsibility report of 2018 reveals its positive side

One of the world’s leading companies in the field of Photovoltaics and smart energy solution, Trina Solar Limited has released its corporate social responsibility report, which it has been doing since 2011. The CSR report for the year 2018 was based on the framework of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines that was issued by Global Reporting Initiative.

The CSR report covers the company’s strategy, sustainability management, and how it commits to create value for stakeholders. The report also discusses the idea of reducing the consumption and emission of energy to make its business friendlier towards the environment. In addition, it details the firm’s efforts to creating a corporate culture that cares for employees. The company is committed to focus on governing in a better way while developing nature-protection plan, maintaining supply-chain and how it can contribute to making of a citizen-friendly society.

In all its operations and services, Trina Solar has done a commendable job in terms of taking a nature-friendly approach. The way it has been developing new facilities, utilizing raw materials, practicing energy consumption, and manufacturing its products is really praiseworthy. Chine Quality Certification Centre (CQCC), a product and quality assessing administration, gave the company 97 points in February 2018.

Trina Solar was in limelight recently for its great job from 2014 to 2018, during which it has collected and dealt with more than 15 million tons of wastewater releasing from industries. The wastewater was later transformed into over 9 million tons of clean water by a Chinese water plant.

Trina Solar is also playing a good hand in making the UN’s Sustainability Development Goal 2030. It has contributions in poverty and hunger eradication, healthcare improvement, and education management. The company is praised worldwide for its efforts. Its goal of becoming a big and responsible global leader in the field of smart energy is not very far.


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